Which is also the reason im self-taught in Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, Sony-Vegas and video creation alltogether.
I have 4 youtube channels with sum of 6'000 Subscribers (CrazyOsi, CrazierOsi, CraziestOsi, NonCrazyOsi) where
I post funny skits, gameplay and education footage.
All edited and designed to be as humorous and interesting as it can be. Sometimes I write detailed scripts, sometimes everything's impromptu first take.
I'm currently also designing a First Person Shooter Video Game that will hopefully revolutionize the definition of hardcore FPS games,
all the while learning more and more about graphic and model design.
check out some of my works im most proud of:
Note that any opinions shared on of the above channels are purely for comedic and artistic purposes do not represent Osman Marmullaku's or any other content creator's opinion